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versaAPAI Updates
versaAPAI updates are available to customers with current Annual Support & Upgrade Insurance.
Version 8.0.0
Release Date: 07.11.22
Improved logging through additional output statements to provide greater assistance with any future troubleshooting.
Added Modern Authentication protocol (OAuth) support for incoming and outgoing mail, in line with current industry email protocol security standards.
Renamed Services to align with standard naming convention used for VersaDev application Services:
FaxManagerService → versaAPAIMailIn
APMailOut → versaAPAIMailOut
FaxManagerMonitor → versaAPAIServiceMonitor
Version 7.5.0
Release Date: 15.05.18
FaxManagerService - Enhanced to allow phrase replacement in the email subject.
Version 7.0.0
Release Date: 15.03.18
APMailout Windows Service added to allow merged invoices to be sent to email destinations.
Database table enhanced to include SendMail.
Mail status table added to the database for enhanced service monitoring.
FaxManagerMonitor - Enhanced to include APMailout monitoring.
FaxManagerService - Enhanced to set the SendMail status of processed invoices.
Version 3.6.0
Release Date: 15.09.14
FaxManager - If an embedded file does not have an extension, accept the file.
FaxManager - Distinguish between embedded attachments and non-embedded attachments in EWS mode.
FaxManager - Office365 (Outlook 2013) - Added checking for unsupported file types such as .eml. These are not processed by the APAI tool - Unsupported File Type (by design).
FaxManager - Routing has now been enhanced so that an optional Reject folder can be defined if the message triggers a Routing Rule. This is defined by the tag <rejectFolder>.
FaxManager - When logging a mail message to the database, the ProcessingCode has been updated with a default initial value for better debugging.
Database logging is now mandatory. The appConfig setting is no longer required.
EmailBroker - Analysis of the log file indicates that the service can hang. This occurs when there is a network / mail-server connection issue when processing an email following a successful connection to the mail server. This issue has now been addressed.
EmailBroker - ErrorCount is now used to track consecutive minor errors that do not affect processing that would cause loss of data. Once the count exceeds the ErrorThreshold the service will stop.
EmailBroker - Any Error Codes > 1000 will cause the service to shut down and stop.
EmailBroker - Enhanced to record the ProcessingStage against the database log of the email.
FaxManager - LoadRoutingXML enhanced to support to tags
FaxManager - Added support for Routing Rules to define custom output destinations.
FaxManager - Enhanced to support To address in Routing Rules.
Database changes have been made to support EWS enhancements.
FaxManager - Enhanced to support EWS and options for EWS Exchange Version.
Version 3.5.0
Release Date: 13.01.14
Application now compiled under .Net Framework 4.0 (requirement of EWS).
EmailBroker - Enhanced to support EWS and options for EWS Exchange Version.
EmailBroker - Added MailProtocol option to support both IMAP and EWS.
Version 3.4.0
Release Date: 23.12.13
An issue has been reported where when PDF files fail to merge the tool records the conversion as successful. However, there is no output folder or file. The tool has now been enhanced so that if one or more PDF files cannot be merged, the output files are moved to the error folder.
Added a new critical error code 1002. This indicates that the PDF merge failed.
Version 3.3.0
Release Date: 29.11.13
Database logging has been enhanced to log the MessageID. This is a guid style string unique to the email message.
FaxManager - Enhanced to log MessageID to log file and database.
EmailBroker - Enhanced to purge outdated log files on startup based on the value of LogRetention. This value defines the number of days that text log files are kept. Each time a new log file is created, log files older than the number of days defined by LogRetention are deleted.
FaxManager - Enhanced to purge outdated log files on startup based on the value of LogRetention. This value defines the number of days that text log files are kept. Each time a new log file is created, log files older than the number of days defined by LogRetention are deleted.
Database has been updated to support the extended logging.
Version 3.2.0
Release Date: 22.09.13
FaxManagerMonitor - Custom notification template enhanced to include email template for EmailBroker service.
FaxManagerMonitor - Added MonitorEmailBroker setting to specify if the EmailBroker service should be monitored.
FaxManagerMonitor - Enhanced to support EmailBroker.
EmailBroker - Added MailFolder setting. The value of this defines the folder within the mailbox to process, The default value is Inbox. If this value is not set, Inbox will be used.
FaxManager - Enhanced to allow messages to be processed within a user defined folder of a mailbox.
Version 3.1.0
Release Date: 31.08.12
FaxManager - Enhanced to log any errors reported.
Version 3.0.0
Release Date: 14.05.12
FaxManager - Enhanced to log MergedPDFFilename to log file and database.
FaxManager - Added ConvertGIF setting to specify if gif files should be converted or not converted.
FaxManager - Enhanced to include MailReceivedDate to log file and database.
Database logging updated to support MailReceivedDate.
FaxManager - Added OutputFormat setting. Defines the output conversion format of the tool. Possible values are PDF or TIF.
FaxManager - Added PDFPageMode setting. Defines the output options when the output is PDF. Possible values are: 0 - Default View | 1 - Page Only | 2 - Outlines (bookmarks) Visible | 3 - Thumbnail Images Visible | 4 - Optional Content Group (layers) Panel Visible | 5 - Attachments Panel Visible.
Setting XLSTOTIF renamed to ConvertXLS.
Setting JPGTOTIF renamed to ConvertJPG.
FaxManager - Added PDFMerge setting. 0 - Do Not Merge PDF Output Files, 1 - Merge PDF Output Files. Applies only when the OutputFormat = PDF.
Important Information
For release notes prior to v3 please contact us.
versaAPAI updates should only be applied to the version they pertain to. For example, if the installed version of versaAPAI is 3.3.0 ONLY updates above 3.3.0 should be applied.
How to Contact Us
If you have any queries about versaAPAI, please contact us: